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3 Ways to Escape Your Creative Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone
Comfort Zone

Image source: Taramullarkey.com

Your comfort zone sucks. Yeah, I realize that it’s comfortable — that’s what makes it a comfort zone. The problem with being in your comfort zone, however, is that you get stuck in a repetitive pattern of thinking and acting. It strangles creativity and leaves you with uninspired art.

The best way to break out of your comfort zone is just throw caution to the wind and try out a totally new art technique. I’ve touched on a couple of these art topics before, but these creative options hold so much promise that they deserve their own post.

1. Use Your Other Hand

It’s common knowledge that each hand is controlled by a certain hemisphere of the brain. Your left hand is controlled by your right brain and your right hand is controlled by your left brain. It’s often said that left-handers are more artistic than their right-handed counterparts, and in fact there is some evidence to back up that claim. Left-handed people often stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain, which deals with creativity and emotions.


Right Brain vs Left Brain

Image source: Creativejaunt.blogspot.com

Whichever hand is your dominant hand, studies show that using your other hand can cause you to actually think in different ways. Righties using their left hands to draw might suddenly find unexpected inspiration, while lefties who use their right hands may discover that they are more methodical and logical. The science behind this one is pretty convincing: change your hand and change your brain! Who knows what kind of inspiration you’ll find?

2. Try a Brand New Art Style

You might look at an art style, scrunch your nose up in disgust, and think to yourself, “Blech! How ugly!”

You should totally try to replicate that art style.

Why? Well, there’s probably a reason why you don’t like that art style. Maybe with your art style you prefer techniques A and B because they fit your personality more, and this other art style uses techniques X and Y. You’re probably already well-versed in the A and B art techniques because you use them all the freakin’ time. If you suddenly force yourself to use X and Y techniques, however, you will have to think about your artwork from a totally new perspective.

It reminds me weight lifting. Most guys love working out their upper body, and hate working out their lower body. Consequently, some guys have disproportionately large upper bodies because they spend all of their time developing biceps while their calves are puny. Train yourself in artistic techniques more evenly by tackling unorthodox projects.


Skipping Leg Day

Image source: Fuzzywuze.wordpress.com


3. Change Your Work Conditions

Science has proven that your surroundings can have a major impact on how you think and work. Logically, changing your environment should also change how you create art. If you typically like to work in a serene office without any distractions, go to a busy park or noisy coffee shop. If you like to blare your favorite music and snack on sweets while working, give yourself a change of pace by removing as many outside distractions as possible.


Creative Space

Image source: Blog.clarity.fm

These new work conditions will probably be frustrating — that’s OK! The purpose of this exercise isn’t to create great art; it’s to expand your mind by experimenting with new types of artistic inspiration and creative possibilities. Think of serendipity: inspiration through accidents.

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