I love artistic conferences! They provide artists from all over the world an opportunity gather under one roof and rub shoulders with some of the greatest and most innovative minds in the industry. Are you debating between spending cash on tickets and hotel rooms to attend a creative conference versus sitting on your rear all weekend? Maybe this article will help you change your mind.
1. Boost Your Skills
The number one reason to go to art conferences is also the most obvious one: it gives you an opportunity to improve your art skills. As a matter of fact, art conferences might be the single most efficient resource out there in terms of money spent versus education gained. You will have access to some of the best artists in the world as they teach workshops and go over innovative art techniques. You’ll learn the same types of skills in art school, obviously, but art conferences crams all of that artistic know-how into a single fun-filled weekend for about a hundred bucks.
2. Leave Your Comfort Zone
Stagnating professionally is the easiest thing in the world. To stagnate all you have to do is nothing at all. Going to art conferences will shake things up a bit by exposing you to people and art styles that you normally wouldn’t have access to in your comparatively small circle of colleagues and friends. Meet fresh artists straight out of school, industry veterans, artists from the other side of the planet, and electrical engineers who are building the next big tool in visual effects art. Going to an art conference will help you understand just how much you don’t know about the industry by exposing you to all of the creative geniuses out there. Walk into an art conference with an open mind and you will undoubtedly leave the conference as a better artist.
3. See the Future
Speaking of electrical engineers, it’s common to find companies showcasing their soon-to-be released products. The industry of visual effects is constantly changing — every breakthrough in technology (which happens all the freakin’ time) leads to a breakthrough in visual effects. You can stay ahead of the game by familiarizing yourself with the latest and greatest pieces of software. When you send out your resume to companies, can you honestly say that you’re familiar with the newest gizmo or advanced art technique? Working first-hand with innovative designers can give you a head start in the race to a career.
4. Inspiration
And we can never underestimate the inspirational potential of creative conferences. I like to think of inspiration as a garden. You’ve got a couple of different plants growing, and every once in a while they produce fruit. Eventually you can pick enough fruit that you run out of inspiration entirely, so you have to wait around for something clever to pop up in your garden. Finding new sources of inspiration is like planting new seeds in that garden. Forget going to Google Images for inspiration. If you truly want to be inspired, head over to the Pixar booth and talk to some of the biggest names in the industry about their creative process.
Right at this very second, hundreds or possibly even thousands of artists across the world are practicing their artistic skills. Don’t get left in the dust! At the Gnomon School, you’ll learn invaluable techniques that can help you take your art skills to the next level. Discover new and exciting sources of inspiration! Learn art techniques from veterans of the industry! Learn how to create a niche for yourself in this ever-growing market! Are you ready to become a better artist? Get started today!